Charge your EV at Local Kirana Shop and Electric Poles : India Innovates!

Charge your EV at Local Kirana Shop and Electric Poles : India Innovates!

by WAF Think Tank 

EV is a global phenomenon. Tesla became world’s most valued car maker despite being around for just a decade and with global annual sales volume under 370K. There is surely a lot of hype around EV Tech and Innovations. At the same time, it also seems the inevitable global future!

All Auto Makers have Electric Tech, Products and a future EV strategy already in place!

Electric Charging Network Pre requisite to EV Revolution ?

This could have been true for most other countries. India is an exception, as she chooses to innovate very differently, kill two birds with one stone.

The two birds being generate revenue and employment at grass root level and the other not to invest too much time and resources in doing so!

So ChargePoint, the World’s biggest Electric Charging Co is valued at USD 2.4 B pre IPO with currently 115K charging stations and planned expansion to 2.5 M charging stations by 2025

We have greater value at the bottom of the pyramid waiting to be unearthed! Here’s How…

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WAF proposes an Exit Compliance Code for Exiting Auto Cos

WAF proposes an Exit Compliance Code for Exiting Auto Cos

by WAF Think Tank 

Times are challenging amidst the Global Pandemic. Jobs losses, pay cuts are the part of the “New Normal”. Health care cost for fighting the pandemic is no less. Mental wellbeing & business sentiment are at their nadir.

To add to the misery, foreign auto cos announce exits. Harley-Davidson just announced their exit from the Indian Market as part of their Operation Rewire. They are closing down their plant. The dealers shall continue to offer services as long as the duration of their “Contract”. This duration remains a “Big Secret”

Most Senior Level employees already allegedly pushed out in the last one year! Psst ..!

Great brands hiding behind euphemism of their expensive PR Agencies.

Stark Reality :

As per FADA, Federation of Automotive Dealer Associations, the exit of HD India shall lead to more than 2k persons losing their livelihood.

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WAF Certified Pro Program – Be a Better “You”

WAF Certified Pro Program – Be a Better “You”

Top 1K + High Performers’ Secrets in a Program! Can you Miss it ?

Energise your Life & Career with this 3 Day Power Packed Course,  7 am – 8 am IST, Thurs, 8 Oct – Sat, 10 Oct 2020

Last Few Seats Left at Rs 499/-  About to revert to 1500/-

By Registering, you Agree to Our Terms & Conditions, Click here to view

For any Query , please contact Gerald Louis “Jerry” , 8368746841 ,

Last 8 years, WAF Jury & Research Teams have evaluated more than 1K Top Leaders for the Prestigious WAF Awards. We found a few qualities common amongst them.

WAF Certified Pro Program assimilates those Winning Qualities & Habits. Unmissable! Right ?

Top 3 Deliverables : 

1. An Hour a day for 3 Days
2. WAF Certificate on Successful Completion
3. It’s Beyond Theory : Practical Role Plays and Participative! 

Get Coached by Master Trainer – Anuj Guglani – CEO, WAF 

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Industry needs to forget its First Love “Wholesale” and focus on Life Partner “Retail”

Industry needs to forget its First Love “Wholesale” and focus on Life Partner “Retail”

by Anuj Guglani, CEO, World Auto Forum

• The Automotive Industry’s obsession with Wholesale

• Almost like the College Crush who is hard to forget and keeps coming back ! 

• It’s time to embrace the life partner called Retail! 


The year was 2018. The Industry had prepared for the festive season in a similar way, pumping inventory down the dealers’ necks. We all know what happened. The inventory got stuck and had a domino effect, all through the subsequent year. It eventually led to the biggest sales drop in 20 years in 2019.

The reasons cited for low demand back then were : 1. High Insurance Cost 2. High fuel Prices 3. Rise of Shared Mobility Options.

The reasons in 2020 are far more serious and we know it.

In Short, we can’t afford to repeat the mistakes of 2018 in 2020

We need focussed thinking and absorption of consumer sentiment and Industry stakeholders’ feedback

These 5 Basic Questions can be a starting point :

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WAF Annual Partner : High Quality Sanitising Products at Reasonable Prices

WAF Annual Partner : High Quality Sanitising Products at Reasonable Prices

When the unlockdown began, we got feedback and requests from several Workshops for Quality Sanitisation Products at Reasonable Prices.

We evaluated several players and selected Chemi Kleen Solutions who have been making & exporting Hygiene Products last Half a century.

Sanitisation is here to stay. Going forward, we can’t afford to either pay high prices or cut corners in usage. So we asked Chemi Kleen to develop Best Quality Products at Reasonable Prices.

It’s our pleasure to introduce you to the Newest Annual Partner at WAF : Chemi Kleen Solutions.

We encourage you to evaluate them and their hygiene products

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