Volkswagen’s Audi looks for investor for Brussels plant

(Reuters) – Volkswagen’s Audi is looking for an investor for its struggling Brussels plant, the premium brand’s production director Gerd Walker said on Tuesday.

The company has examined several options for the site and discussed them with employees, but has not yet made a final decision on the future of the site as none of the options were proven to be economically rational, Walker added.

Volkswagen, which is no longer ruling out plant closures in Germany as part of a cost-cutting drive, said in July it was considering closing its Brussels site, which employs about 3,000 people, due to low demand for its higher-end electric cars.

The factory produces Audi’s electric luxury SUV Q8 e-tron, which may be discontinued due to insufficient demand.

More than 5,000 people marched through Brussels on Monday in solidarity with workers of Audi Brussels.

Reporting by Christina Amann, writing by Andrey Sychev; editing by Matthias Williams