World Auto Forum Programs Terms & Conditions and User Privacy

User Privacy 

World Auto Forum ( WAF) Site is created, owned & operated by WAF Garage Ventures Pvt Ltd and the Trademark of World Auto Forum is owned by Anuj Guglani

Thank you for using WAF! Here we describe how we collect, use and handle your personal data when you use our websites, software and services (“Services”).

What & Why
We collect and use the following information to provide, improve, protect and promote our Services.

Account information. We collect, and associate with your account, the information you provide to us when you do things such as sign up for your account, upgrade to a paid plan

Data Security 

The security is provided on “As received from Service Provider” Basis. We do not provide any additional layer over the one received from the Hosting Space Provider. We don’t guarantee 100% safe storage at all times. Though negligible but practically there are always risks of leakages, data theft, data erosion.

Contacts. You can choose to give us access to your contacts to make it easy for you to do things like share and collaborate, send messages and invite others to use the Services. If you do, we’ll store those contacts on our servers for you to use.

Usage information. We collect information relating to how you use the Services, including actions you take in your account (such as sharing, editing, viewing, creating and moving files or folders). We use this information to provide, improve and promote our Services, and protect WAF users.

Device information. We also collect information from and about the devices you use to access the Services. This can include things like IP addresses, the type of browser and device you use, the web page you visited before coming to our sites, and identifiers associated with your devices. Your devices (depending on their settings) may also transmit location information to the Services. For example, we use device information to detect abuse and identify and troubleshoot bugs.

Cookies and other technologies. We use technologies such as cookies and pixel tags to provide, improve, protect and promote our Services. For example, cookies help us with things like remembering your username for your next visit, understanding how you are interacting with our Services, and improving them based on that information. You can set your browser to not accept cookies, but this may limit your ability to use the Services. We may also use third-party service providers that set cookies and similar technologies to promote WAF services.

Marketing. We give users the option to use some of our Services free of charge. These free Services are made possible by the fact that some users upgrade to one of our paid Services. If you register for our Services, we will, from time to time, send you information about upgrades when permissible. Users who receive these marketing materials can opt out at any time. If you don’t want to receive a particular type of marketing material from us, click the ‘unsubscribe’ link in the corresponding emails.

We sometimes contact people who don’t have a WAF account. For recipients in the EU, we or a third party will obtain consent before getting in touch. If you receive an email and no longer wish to be contacted by WAF, you can unsubscribe and remove yourself from our contact list via the message itself.

Bases for processing your data. We collect and use the personal data described above in order to provide you with the Services in a reliable and secure manner. We also collect and use personal data for our legitimate business needs. To the extent that we process your personal data for other purposes, we ask for your consent in advance or require our partners to obtain such consent.

With whom
We may share information as discussed below, but we won’t sell it to advertisers or other third parties.

Others working for and with WAF.

WAF uses certain trusted third parties (for example, providers of customer support and IT services) for the business purposes of helping us provide, improve, protect and promote our Services. These third parties will access your information to perform tasks on our behalf, and we’ll remain responsible for their handling of your information per our instructions. .

Other users. Our Services display information such as your name, profile picture, device, email address and usage information to other users you collaborate with or choose to share with. When you register your WAF account with an email address on a domain owned by your employer or organisation, we may help collaborators and administrators find you and your team by making some of your basic information – such as your name, team name, profile picture and email address – visible to other users in the same domain. This helps you sync up with teams you can join and helps other users share files and folders with you.

Certain features let you make additional information available to others.

Law & order and the public interest. We may disclose your information to third parties if we determine that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (a) comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or appropriate government request; (b) protect any person from death or serious bodily harm; (c) prevent fraud or abuse of WAF or our users; (d) protect WAF rights, property, safety or interest; or (e) perform a task carried out in the public interest.

Stewardship of your data is critical to us and a responsibility that we embrace. We believe that your data should receive the same legal protections regardless of whether it’s stored on our Services or on your home computer’s hard drive. We’ll abide by the following Government Request Principles when receiving, scrutinising and responding to government requests (including national security requests) for your data:

Be transparent
Fight blanket requests
Protect all users and
Provide trusted services.

Security. We have a team dedicated to keeping your information secure and testing for vulnerabilities. We continue to work on features to keep your information safe in addition to things like two-factor authentication, encryption of files at rest, and alerts when new devices and apps are linked to your account. We deploy automated technologies to detect abusive behaviour and content that may harm our Services, you or other users.

User controls. You can access, amend, download and delete your personal information by logging in to your WAF account and going to your account settings page.

Retention. When you sign up for an account with us, we’ll retain information you store on our Services for as long as your account exists or for as long as we need it to provide you the Services. If you delete your account, we’ll initiate deletion of this information after 30 days. Please note: (1) there might be some latency in deleting this information from our servers and backup storage, and (2) we may retain this information if necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes or enforce our agreements.


Around the world. To provide you with the Services, we may store, process and transmit data to India and locations around the world – including those outside your country. Data may also be stored locally on the devices you use to access the Services.

Your control of and access to your data

You have control over your personal data and how it’s collected, used and shared. For example, you can:

Delete Your  WAF account.
Change or correct personal data. You can manage your account and the content contained in it, as well as edit some of your personal data, through your account settings page.
Access and take your data elsewhere. You can access your personal data from your WAF
account and you can download it
Object to the processing of your personal data. Depending on the processing activity, you can request that we stop or limit processing of your personal data.
If you would like to submit a data access request, ask for your personal data to be deleted or object to the processing of your personal data, please email us at


WAF Program Sponsorships 

WAF takes sponsor partners for individual programs too. All payments have to be 100% in advance at the time of booking of slot. In an exceptional scenario of part payment at time of booking, program participation shall be allowed strictly and only when complete payment is done.


WAF Annual Partner Program 

Select Top Companies in Tech, Auto & Mobility are invited to be Annual Partners at WAF.

It’s a paid slot and in return they get a 25 points engagement with the Auto & Mobility Cos across Digital , Events, one to one introductions. The deck listing out the deliverables is shared at the time of on-boarding.

The Annual Partner fees is payable in advance. If the partner takes option of payment every quarter then there ‘s a 25% higher amount which needs to paid.


Booth Space at WAF Programs 

WAF gives JUST Booth Space. WAF or its team do not provide any booth fabrication or Backdrop of POS items for display for profit or as a service. WAF can just connect the exhibitor to the existing WAF vendors for supposed best rates and service. The Exhibitor needs to negotiate, finalise the terms of supply and payment on their own with the vendors. WAF shall have no liability in quality of work. Though WAF teams can surely help and facilitate in a friendly way if asked to.


Discount Codes & Slots 

Discount codes and slots can go away without any notice. They are based purely on availability. WAF reserves the right to cancel a delegate ticket or a booth slot, before any event, or cancel offer post event benefits, in case of unprofessional, unruly or disturbing behaviour of the delegate, sponsor or exhibitor.

When you buy a ticket of WAF Program or attend as speaker or invited as a Guest, you agree to these conditions.

You need to carry your Covid Vaccination Certificate with you or email it prior to 

The link to these Terms & Conditions is present at each Event Page as a notice to all guests who attend.

Ticket Cancellation Charge to be levied  :

Between 30 to 45 Days of Program : 10% ticket Amount

Between 30 days to 20 days : 50% Ticket Amount

Less than 20 days to Program : 100% Ticket Amount

In case the Program is Online under a special saving offer, the ticket fees is 100% Non Refundable

Speakers & trainers can change their schedule due to their personal exigency which is beyond control of World Auto Forum. The Venue can change for safety reasons and /or to suit convenience of Organisers, Participants and Speakers. World Auto Forum’s liability not beyond refund of ticket amount if program cancelled or postponed due to any reason beyond control of World Auto Forum.

Important Conditions

Normally we don’t change venues, once announced. However in a rarest of rare case, if it happens, be rest assured World Auto Forum has done it to suit convenience of Most Participants and /or in interest of Safety.

We don’t believe in cancelling or Postponing programs. The Show Must go On! Still if this happens, rest assure there has to some compelling reason for safety and Convenience of the Members. In that case, Maximum Monetary Liability of World Auto Forum is Reimbursement of Ticket Amount.

Hotel Venues normally are amongst the Safest Places. Safety and Security at Venue is controlled solely by Hotel Staff. World Auto Forum has no control or responsibility for it. As the Adage goes, Caveat emptor. You have to be responsible of your own devices, gadgets and luggage. Please take care of them yourself.

Offline Programs during the Pandemic 

Guest would need to adhere to the Covid precautions like Masks, Sanitisers and Physical distancing. The Venue staff would help you with any help with the covid precaution that you might need, over and above your carrying your own sanitiser and Masks.

WAF can facilitate by requesting Hotel or venue Staff and in no way would have the primary responsibility for any of your covid precaution or safety against covid.

WAF cannot be held liable in any way for any health related hazard that you might incur as a direct or indirect result of attending a waf program at a venue hired by WAF.

Any Hotel that decides to give venue to WAF for any of the programs cannot make WAF indemnify for any liability of any kind unless the apex court of law decides otherwise.

WAF Online Programs , Meetings, Webinars

Same Aforesaid Conditions of Ticket Cancellation Policy, Monetary Liability apply here too. The Online Platform which is used to access the Online Program is either WAF Website or a Third Party Software as a Service (SAAS)  Provider. WAF is not liable or responsible for any data or financial loss or loss of any kind due to negligence or omission of duty of third Party Saas Provider.

Even the WAF Site, which is powered by several third Party Saas Providers. WAF can’t be held liable for any negligence or omission of Duty of its Website’s third Party Saas Providers.

Though we try to our best to perform our duty to keep service uninterrupted.  Hack attacks are note 100% avoidable and in case of such attack or virus transmission from WAF Site or a third Party Saas Provider to your server, it is incumbent on you to install a Anti virus Software which stops such malaware attacks and its also your duty to inform us at in a timely way so that we can take urgent corrective action and inform the third party Saas Provider. Under no circumstance can WAF be impleaded or held liable for negligence or contributor negligence or be made party to any kind of liability due to omission or negligence of third Party Saas Providers which includes WAF Website Saas Providers.

Respect for Fellow Participant at WAF 

World Auto Forum reserves the right to blocking participant access whether offline or online event on display of unruly behaviour without offering any explanation or ticket refund. This is interest of respect of fellow participant/s and decorum.

Participant shall completely indemnify WAF for any kind of damage or loss to program venue, tech platform or fellow participants in any kind of way , for any kind of liability if it results from the participants conduct or action.

Offers of Internship & Placement Assistance for Students 

In a few programs, we also give internship and placement assistance.

What we offer in that is sharing candidate’s profile through WAF Platform to Top Companies, Firms & recruiters. To avail this service, you need to populate your details on WAF Site as guided during the WAF Program.

WAF is not liable for cancellation, rejection, acceptance of any offer. WAF is also not liable for conduct or behaviour or performance of the candidate or the other workers in the company or firm where the candidate gets placed. WAF doesn’t force any candidate to accept the offers. They are solely between the candidate and the company /firm.

WAF shall not give any notice on change of any Terms & Conditions here. It’s solely user’s duty to check for any changes or updates. This page can get updated time to time.

Legal Jurisdiction is Solely the Courts at New Delhi, India and Nowhere Else 

World Auto Forum is a trademark licensed to WAF Garage ventures Pt Ltd

Delay in payments can attract late payment charge of Rs 1,000/- per day from the day it was due till the payment reflects in the WAF Bank account.  In case of the delay of payment , any offers given also stand null and void and full amount is then charged. 

Delay in payment of more than one month from date of invoice may attract cancellation of invoice and permanent debarment from WAF Annual Partners Community.